The Law of Attraction
Definition: The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.
Task: Think about your predominant thoughts and feelings, are they positive or negative? How do your thoughts relate to your experience? Did you ever have coincidences where you thought about someone and you met them or they contacted you a while later? Start becoming more aware of these coincidences and how they relate to your thoughts before-hand.
Introduction to the Law of Attraction
I first came across the Law of Attraction when I read the book The Secret.
I remember thinking, this is bloody brilliant, we can have control over our lives, life doesn’t randomly happen to us. We create our lives. Then I began to think of all the things I would like to have in my life and I set to work. The only way to describe it was how I would imagine it would feel to be released from prison. I thought “I’m going to attract everything into my life that I have ever wanted” and I thought I would do this in a few weeks. Not so feckin’ likely!
Changing your thoughts, beliefs and values is hard work. We take these on from the people we love, and when we begin to question them, we question others around us too. People don’t like being challenged or questioned, they don’t like viewpoints that take them out of their comfort zones. But take comfort in knowing we are in the best time now because people are so open to not only talking about personal development work but undertaking their own personal development. 10 years ago when I started my personal development journey, it was still like a secret underground thing where, if you were lucky, you met a like-minded person who was brave enough to talk about it. Thankfully, people are much more open minded now! Just bear in mind, like most things in life, it takes time, patience and practice.
What is the Law of Attraction?
- One of the laws of the universe that states that we create our realities with our thoughts.
- I remember when I first read this, I instantly thought feck that! There is no possible way I would have created half the shit in my life that I have experienced.
- But we do and since I first read about the Law of Attraction I have seen it myself. The problem with this is that for some, most of the time we have no control over our thoughts, we think “unconsciously” and who has control over our thoughts? The ego of course.
- Most books I have read, claim that it is so simple, our thoughts create our reality but in my experience, yes it’s simple in theory but then you have to consider the many influences on our thoughts.
- Take your feelings for example, feelings affect your thoughts about things and vice versa.
- The ego has the biggest affect on our thoughts because it is something that controls us until we build our awareness of it.
- Our past experiences have a huge influence on how we think, we judge everything in relation to what we have experienced in the past.
- Plus from an early age we are taught that we will only get the things we want in our lives if we say enough prayers so God, and even then it feels like the lottery .
- Then to top it all off we have guilt, we doubt ourselves and we have self-limiting beliefs so it’s no wonder really that we feel we have no control over our lives.
How to begin using the Law of attraction to your advantage
- As always, monitor your thoughts and feelings, they will be your guide in what you are attracting into your life.
- Create your vision – Write a list of things/experiences you want to attract into your life, get pictures and pin them to a vision board.
- Spend a few minutes a day, visualising what you want to attract and the feeling you would feel if you had whatever that is, in your life.
- Gratitude is a huge part of using the Law of Attraction into your life! Look at the bigger picture that is your life, pick out the big things and the little things that you are grateful for, this is guaranteed to bring more of what you are grateful for into your life.
- The key to the Law of Attraction is your perspective, if you look upon your life and see all the things you lack then that is what your experience is going to be. Change your perspective from within and everything will change without!
My next topic will make it much clearer how the Law of Attraction actually works, don’t miss it!