Stress Recovery

Your pathway to exiting survival mode and healing the real roots of stress...

“The key to keeping your balance, is knowing when you have lost it” Anon

If you have landed here on this page, I am going to assume that your stress levels are most likely out of balance. 

Do you feel stressed?

Do you feel like you’re playing a game of whack-a-mole with all the things that stress you out – once you have dealt with one thing, something else pops up?

Do you feel like you’re constantly on auto-pilot or living in survival mode?

Do you feel overwhelmed any time you go to lower your stress levels?

Are you stressed to the point of feeling burnt out or unwell?

*SPOILER ALERT* Stress is not actually the problem or issue here. The problem is that we have not been given the adequate inner resources to manage stress effectively by allowing time for Stress Resolution and Stress Recovery. Nobody has and it isn’t anybodies fault. Now that we are figuring this out, it’s time to take action!

The first step to Stress Recovery is acknowledging to yourself that your stress levels are out of balance. Next step is that you’re not sure how to manage this imbalance and that is totally ok, I have yet to meet anyone who has been actively taught from a young age how to manage, let alone actually recover from stress. I’ve only learned how to do it myself in the last couple of years and if I can recover from a whole life riddled in chronic stress, anyone can! The next step in Stress Recovery is to build your self-awareness around what is causing your stress imbalance and then to build up a structure of inner resources that will help you to actively and effectively manage your stress levels, take you out of survival mode and help you to thrive.

By nature of being a human on this earth it is stressful. We don’t have to look far to find a real or perceived threat to our safety.

People often ask me “Why is there so much stress nowadays compared to 20 years ago?” and there are so many answers to that question. We have far more stressors than we did back then. We now live in a globalised society as opposed to a localised one. 20 years ago we saw global wars and natural disasters on the RTE news, radio and newspaper, and it felt far enough away from Ireland to still feel relatively safe. Mental and emotional health was yet to become an important and valued topic of discussion. Google and Bebo were the height of internet activity. The economic boom was in full swing. Life in general seemed to be more easygoing and simple.

Today we are absolutely bombarded with bad news and impending doom through the use of our smartphones and social media and it feels like all is happening on our doorsteps. Safety is gone out the window! 

Mixed with our lack of safety is the notion that most other people we see or follow on social media, are living a much happier, richer and fulfilled life than we are, leading us to feel that nothing we do or achieve is enough.

Life is very dualistic and contradicting – huge mental health crisis, inflation, genocides, wars and pandemics, yet according to what you see on social media, your neighbours down the road are living their best lives – loved up family, secure jobs, big house, nice car and 2 or 3 holidays a year!

The reason we cannot cope with an increasingly stressful life experience is because we are not given the skills or the time to reduce our stress, worries and anxieties.

We all know what survival mode is like, it doesn’t feel good, there are only brief glimpses of enjoyment (if any). Survival mode is chaotic and messy, there is no ease to it. It is like swimming against a current, you feel like you’re not getting very far and eventually you realise there has to be more to this life than just existing. 

Reaching a point of thriving in life is not as complicated as you might think. Yes it does take effort and time but the end results are so worth it! Can you imagine what it would be like to feel safe, content and at ease most of the time? What would you be doing if you had much more energy and motivation to enjoy life? What would it be like to move with the natural flow of life instead of against it? Who would you be and what would life look like if you were thriving instead of just surviving?

What’s next? Lets heal the real roots of stress together…

The Details – What you will gain

12 Week Group Programme
Encouragement and Support Online via educational videos, exercises and group zoom meetings to integrate and implement learning (Group meetings every fortnight on Wednesdays 7-9pm (Irish Time) from 26th March to 4th of June inclusive)
Bi-weekly release of Learning Material and Check-ins over email or Whatsapp
Bi-weekly Group Coaching Sessions on Zoom

What you will learn
Many tools and stress recovery techniques to allow your body and mind to recover more effectively from stress
How you can bring yourself out of survival mode (feeling stuck and disempowered) and start to thrive more in life
How to bring more safety and security into your life
How to manage and regulate your emotions more effectively
How to express your feelings or needs with more clarity and communicate better within relationships
How your nervous system will benefit and heal with a stress recovery practice
How to navigate relationships with more intention and understanding
How to be more interdependent in relationships (a balance of being independent and allowing ourselves to vulnerable with others when and where it is safe to do so)
How to set healthier boundaries in all areas of your life
How to bring more growth and development into your daily life
How support and encouragement can truly empower you to feel more present and connected with your true authentic self

Payment plan is an option
(If you feel you would benefit from this programme and you have limited resources, please don’t let this stop you. I have been there and I have missed out on very valuable support in the process and I know exactly how that feels. If this is the case, please get in touch and we can arrange something that works better for you. I want to make this programme accessible for as many people as possible.)

Individual Programme Available Also:

Payment plan is an option
If you would prefer to do this programme one to one with me, this is absolutely an option – Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this.

If you have any questions or would like to chat more about the programme please book in for a free consultation and mention the “Stress Recovery Programme”:
Whatsapp 0871748648
Or submit a contact form (Link to contact page below)

Closing date for signing up for the programme is on the 18th March 2024.

One of the most effective Stress Recovery Tools I use are The Havening Techniques®, which is a psycho-sensory touch therapy, designed to change the brain to de-traumatize the memory and remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body. It is a very powerful stress and anxiety reduction technique.

As part of its protocol The Havening Techniques uses the sensory input of human touch as a therapeutic tool which we have identified as Havening Touch®. 


The Havening Techniques® are powerful tools that can be used to treat the consequences of encoded traumatic or stressful memories. Depending on the nature of the encoded trauma it can be done with guidance by a certified Havening Techniques practitioner or by oneself.


Havening has three (3) distinct applications—the first is for emotional disturbances and encoded psychological trauma; the second is for wellness, stress management, and peak performance; and the third is a self-help tool. 


Havening can be described as a type of psychosensory modality based on the fields of neuroscience and neurobiology, which uses sensory input in order to alter thought, mood, and behaviour. It is believed that when an event or experience is perceived as traumatic or stressful, it becomes immutably encoded in the psyche and the body, often with life altering consequences. Havening is designed to make changes in the brain in order to de-traumatize and remove from both the psyche and the body the emotional memory of a traumatic or stressful life event and its negative effects. Therefore, Havening is a healing modality that is designed to help individuals overcome problems that are the consequence of traumatic or stressful encoding. Havening comprises a number of protocols; one of these protocols used as a therapeutic tool includes human touch, and is identified as Havening Touch®.


Discovering The Havening Techniques has been life changing for me on so many levels. I struggled for many years to find my true purpose in life and when I started my journey to becoming a Havening Techniques Practitioner, everything started to fall into place for me personally and professionally. I carried my own unresolved pain for many years and many times looked for support in the wrong places. I did many years of talk therapy and while I found it so helpful, supportive and beneficial, a few months after finishing up with a therapist, I would feel that pain slowly creep back in. I think this is because while talking about pain is an excellent way to identify and acknowledge it, that wasn’t enough for me. I still had lots of pain and hurt suppressed deep in my body that would only come up in very unconscious ways. Havening gave me a very effective way of releasing that pain permanently. Don’t get me wrong, I am still a work in progress but I feel lighter and lighter with each session I do! I can see now that releasing that pain from my body was the missing link in my healing journey. Plus the reward and results I get from working with others using the Havening Techniques is nothing short of phenomenal!!


What Types of Problems Can Havening be Used for?

The consequences of traumatic encoding can be physical and psychological. Havening has been shown to help with:


Chronic pain

Distressing memories (broken relationships, shocking news, loss, embarrassment, etc.)

Victims of natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, etc.) and man-made (war, fire, assault,home intrusion, etc.)

Anger-Fear of abandonment

Stress/Anxiety reduction

Self Esteem



Panic attacks

Sexual abuse

Performance enhancement

Public speaking


Emotional eating

Emotional Supression

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