If there is one thing we have learned over the last couple of years, it is how important and valuable freedom is. When I think of freedom, I divide it into two categories – from and freedom to. What in your life would you like to have freedom from? What in your life would you like the freedom to be, do or have?
Are you finding life a bit of a struggle at the moment? Are you lacking self-esteem or self-worth?
Would you like to be more confident?
Is your relationship with yourself in need of repair?
Are you unhappy a lot of the time and do you struggle with balancing your moods or regulating your emotions?
Do you sometimes have overwhelming fears that often lead to increased anxiety, stress or feelings of depression?
Do you feel stuck within your comfort zone?
Are you unsure of what you value in your life?
Do you find it hard to see the brighter side of life and wonder will life take off for you or fall into place? Would you benefit from improving your mindset?
Do you criticise and talk harshly about or against yourself?
Do you struggle within your friendships or relationships?
Today is your luckiest day because freedom is just around the corner, your searching has led you to just the right place and I have something that will help with all of this and more, this programme will empower you to change your life and will give you the skills to ignite freedom within you!
Introducing Life-Changers – 12 Module Personal Development Programme – I have invested 15 years in studying and working on my own Personal Development and I have been successful in making life a much easier and enjoyable experience, so I have taken everything I have learned – all the skills, tools, techniques, education and wisdom and I have put it all together into this very affordable, accessible and enjoyable Personal Development Programme. Changing my life for the better has been the biggest and best adventure and it is my goal to share that experience and the benefits with as many people as I can. If you want the change you have been looking for here it is…
Life-Changers will be excellent for anyone who is thinking of trying out Coaching but isn’t quite ready to invest a lot amount of money on 1to1 Coaching sessions. When you sign up for this programme, you will have me as your Personal Coach to guide and support you on this exciting journey of self-discovery and exhilarating transformation. It is the equivalent of over 50 hours-worth of 1to1 Coaching with me, which would cost over €4000, so you are getting huge value for your investment!
You will learn:
- The immeasurable benefits of Personal Development and how to kickstart/accelerate your journey
- The skill of Reframing and how you can effectively unpack your perceptions and see the true reality behind them
- All about your comfort zone, how to step outside it and the many benefits of doing so
- How to identify resistance (uncomfortable emotions) within yourself and how you can comfortably adapt to it when this arises
- Pin pointing what you are tolerating within your life and the ways/benefits of releasing that pattern
- Healthy boundaries, why they are so important and how you can put them in place
- Identifying your values, which ones are serving you and which ones may not be and by effectively honouring the ones that actually serve you can make life so much easier
- Bringing yourself off auto-pilot, become aware of your ego mind and how you can use it more positively to your advantage
- Personal Power, where you may be giving it away and how you can reclaim and increase it
- The key elements of Confidence and how you can rebuild it
- Emotional Education – A module packed with everything you need to make peace with your emotions, gain emotional healing/mastery and how you can hugely increase your emotional intelligence!
- Recalibrating Reality and how this can help you to manage or alleviate anxiety and stress
- Relationships, the key dynamics you need to know and how you can navigate them much more successfully
- Using the power of focus, belief, imagination and present moment awareness to have more autonomy over your life experiences
- Identity deep dive and how you can embrace your true, authentic self with purpose
- Harnessing vision creativity, how you can create a crystal clear vision of how you truly want your life to be and how this can give you purposeful direction and help you unlock your potential
- Love and Self-Compassion, how you can increase it within yourself and the power that holds in your outer reality
There are 12 Modules in total and you can complete them in whatever format you wish – You can do one a week or one a month, it is entirely up to you. There is a time limit on the course (12 months), this keeps an element of accountability, it will encourage you to complete the programme in full, take from it what is most appropriate to you.
Are you ready to step out of Survival Mode and into Mastery Mode?
Then sign up today!
The biggest causes of unhappiness are:
- Lack of purpose
- Negative Mindset
- Lack of confidence
- Limiting beliefs
- Challenging relationships
- Lack of identity
- Overwhelming Emotions
- Not taking personal responsibility
- Anxiety/Stress
- Little Motivation
- Procrastination
- Over thinking
- Self-Doubt
- No feeling of belonging
- Little Self-awareness
Can you identify with any of these?
You will do this by learning to:
- Gain clarity when you are feeling confused or overwhelmed
- Build your self-awareness
- Stop worrying what others think of you
- Stop tolerating the poor behaviour of others
- Put healthy boundaries in place
- Take yourself off auto-pilot
- Become more comfortable in your own skin
- Live more by your values
- Take your power back from others
- Increase your Emotional Intelligence
- Alleviate anxiety
- Build a vision for the life you really want
- Increase self-compassion
- Communicate confidently with others
- Accept and be yourself with confidence and ease
Life-Changers consists of:
- 12 Modules accessible via mobile or laptop
- Personal Development Education and Coaching Videos
- Life Changers Workbook with all your Coaching/Reflection Exercises
- Step-by-step learning and guidance
- Accountability and Encouragement to reach your goals
- Discounted Support Coaching Sessions